MacBook Air M2 2022

 MacBook Air M2


I wanted to make this blog post just for the dedication to finally owning a MacBook laptop. I got the MacBook Air M2 with just the base model as it is the only model that can fit into my budget without me being bankrupt. I will pay for it for a year, which is not what my mom would want if she knew I had bought this laptop. I realized when I was doing my homework for statistics on the iMac that our school provides its students to use that I feel productive working on a capable device. For the past month, I was not happy using my Chromebook because I felt like it limits my productivity and the screen was really dim, which added to my low motivation of mine to use it. I sound like I am justifying my recent purchase, but I sure hope my productivity will increase with owning this laptop. I am not going to throw my Chromebook because I was so happy when I made that purchase, and it was a significant moment for me at that time since I got that with my own money that I made while working in Mcdonald’s and I think it was one of my first purchases in the Facebook marketplace. 

I decided to go with the latest version of MacBook Air since I plan to use it for a long time, and I hope it will last because I am paying a lot of money just to own this device. This laptop has been on my list to purchase ever since I discovered how efficient it is compared to other laptops. I was so close to convincing my mom in the past to buy me one, but I ended up with a laptop from Acer that I thought would last me the battery fucked up, and I had to plug it in every time I used it because if not, it would not turn on. I think this purchase would make me do other stuff just because it’s on a MacBook. I know it sounds like I just purchased this because of its status and everything, but I feel like I would use it to its limits.

I had a hard time paying for the laptop because my debit and credit card that, has my savings linked, which is jointly connected with my aunt, and it is just hard because I don’t want her to know that I purchased this laptop since she’s just going to make me feel bad and I know its expensive, but I don’t want to buy a laptop that I would not like to use. I am making my own decisions and choices right now, and I am recognizing that maybe I am pushing the limits of my spending habit. I am making this choice right now to stop buying unnecessary stuff like clothes, shoes, or perfume because those three are the things I spent a lot of money. I needed this purchase to stop me since this would take a while to pay off, and I needed something to guide me. 

I am now setting up the laptop according to my needs, but I still need to watch some videos to see what I can do with this laptop. I also recorded a quick unboxing video which you can watch here on my blog because it’s just something I want to look back in the future.

Here's a video of my unboxing my MacBook Air M2

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