August 2022


This month has been the most interesting I’ve had since I came here to Canada. My aunt went to Germany with her friends for a month because it’s been a while since they went on a trip due to the pandemic, which postponed many of their plans. This means that I have the whole condo to myself and I can freely do anything that I want because I don’t have any supervision of a guardian. I actually miss the freedom I have since coming here in Canada, I got a new guardian that is much more strict compared to my parents, which is weird and not at the same time. I didn’t have many plans if I am being honest on how I should spend this month because I was still working full time on my job and we were busy because of junior hockey and so many weddings so I am out most of the time. I spent my off-days going to the mall most of the time, which is bad for my bank account since I spent a lot of money shopping. I bought a lot of new clothes, shoes and stuff that I like since I don’t have the parental supervision that keeps me from buying things. I also got COVID for the first time since it started spreading around last two years ago. It was surprising since I didn’t expect to get it and it was the reason I had a week and a half off from work. I realized that it was the longest time I was off from work since school ended last April since I was working full time. I spent a lot of money going to coffee shops, particularly Pact Coffee in Whyte avenue. I like going in that area since I just feel that it was the most “Canadian area” to go to. It was fortunate that there were a lot of attractive people there walking so I was able to see them while enjoying my Iced Latte. The aspect I will miss the most is having the freedom to do whatever I want in my time since I had the power to decide what I should do or where should I go without thinking about whether my aunt would like it or not. I think that is the most frustrating part in living with her since I like to have my freedom and I don’t want to disappoint her but at the same time, it is hard to always ask for her permission to do things that I would normally do. I guess this is the compromise I got to live with her in Canada. I am thinking about whether I would survive living with her for many more years since it is not good if I decide to move out after graduating. I would like to be financially ready before I move out and it would take me a long time to have that. I have to wait for November to be alone again since they are planning to go to Disneyland at that time and then next year, she will go home to the Philippines for three months. Those times are crucial for me since it will be my last semester in MacEwan and I would like to enjoy it as much as possible. I don’t have much to share in this blog but to be honest, I really love living alone and I would miss it.

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