An Update: Coronavirus Year Edition


Life After Senior High School: College Life (first half)

    It has been 27 months and 121 weeks since my last post on this blog and I do not have any further explanation for not posting anything here. Life before 2020 has been momentous, to the fact that I did not have any time to create a new post for this blog but to compensate for further loss of content, I became more active in vlogging my personal life. I think the lack of motivation on creating a new blog post is due to having numerous papers that I was required to do when I started out becoming a college student. I just realized that I have not posted anything related to my first two (or three if you count this semester) years of college life and a lot of events that happened in that period are memorable to me. So I guess I will do a little bit of recap of what happened in those years but do not expect to read all of the things that I have done.

FIRST YEAR (two-semesters + summer semester)

    I was anxious about studying at FEU or Far Eastern University because of the new environment I was entering and the stereotypes that I heard from different sources, namely my friends and relatives. I went to the Freshmen Event that FEU prepares every year for freshmen obviously. I went there without any companion and I hated it to be honest but it was a great experience for me. I was lost for a little bit but through talking to strangers and ushers assigned at the place, I eventually figured out what to do at that moment. I first met my blockmates at that event and I did not talk to a single person because I was shy. After that event, I saw my blockmates on the first day of our classes. I was approached by two girls who are in the same block and I became friends with them ( but one of them I had a falling out with). The first semester of my first year was just the transition phase wherein I had to learn how to socialize again and look out for potential friends that I can keep for the rest of my college life. This was the time where I started drinking out with the friends that I made and it got a little bad at the end of my first year as a college student. I was surprised when I found out that after the first semester, we will have to enroll as a group in a new block because I thought it will be the same for the first year. I only have one from the new sets of friends that I made, that is my blockmates for all the courses for the second semester. I was not that close with her in our first semester, but throughout our second semester, where we always are with each other, it made us closer. This time was also when I decided to move into a dorm and it was a life-changing event that made my college life eventful. The second semester was the time where we went to Batangas for our finals in Retorika where we created a movie. We also went to Rizal to shoot and my group mates at that time also went here to my house at Caloocan to plan and shoot some scenes. The memorable moment I have in this semester is that I passed out in front of my dorm because I was SOO DRUNK.

 I was the one that wanted to drink and invited my friends to come with me and I did not plan to be that drunk and I blame the strong alcohol from Four Monkeys in Dapitan, Espana (which Rest in Peace), and The Beach at Tomas Morato.

    After the Second Semester comes the Summer semester, to which we have classes every weekday. It was just for a month or two (if I am not mistaken). This is the time where I met one of my friends that I still talk to and close with right now. I met her because she had all the same classes as I am and my other friends. At first, I did not talk that much with her because I did not want someone to become a plus one in our friend group but eventually we became closer with each other because I was blockmates with her in my second year (which I will get to later). This semester has been so stressful for us because we have to review for our qualifying examination (which is required in my course as an Accountancy student). The memorable moment that I have in this semester is knowing that I passed the examination and I can continue studying Accountancy as my degree.

Tatak Tamaraw 2019 & Jam's 19th Birthday (August 30, 2019)

My favorite coffee shop place, Caffeine District

Purposive Communication Groupmates (Right to Left; Issa, Jam, Shayla, Me)


    This year has been so unpredictable because I only have one or two classes with one of my closest friends in FEU and it was because I encountered a problem when I was enrolling for my courses. I became close to a chunk of classmates that I had in 1st year the second semester that I was not close with. I eventually learned their personalities and separated some of them into being my friend because of how it clashes with my own individuality. There are lots of unforgettable moments that I cherish because even though at this time, we did not have that many drinking scenes but I had a lot of chill moments that compensated for it. I thought I was going to fail one of my accounting courses because the professor that I had was so boring and substandard to teach the said course. I did stress over it throughout the semester and my friend became a tutor for me because I was not understanding any of the topics through self-study. After all, it is a complex course that needs a lot of analytical skills for you to comprehend it. I was not that type of student and I am grateful that someone can teach me some of the ideas for that subject. I remember being so happy with the grade that I got for that subject because I was content with having a passing grade instead of failing the course. I mentioned it all the time to my parents because I was having doubts that I might get my first failing grade in my life and I wanted them to expect it for them not to be disappointed in me.  Another moment is having to experience being part of the top 10 list on one of my accounting courses. I was not expecting to be part of it even though the grade that I got was not that good if you compare it to other classes. I worked hard and studied for that specific course because my professor was so good at teaching the course and you can feel that he has a passion for it and wanted his students to do good for their grades.  A moment that I wanted to forget is having to be under a professor that I did not like. I was in the class with a friend but even though I had someone that I knew, I did not want to be in that class ever again. I went out a few times with friends and ate in different places. We kept on going back to restaurants around P.Noval, Espana near UST.

The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, Robinsons Magnolia

The day before my 20th Birthday

The Gift by Danielle Steel

    The second semester was, to be honest, unmemorable. It was cut short because of COVID-19. January 2020 was the start of the second semester and that month, a lot of terrible events happened. I was in class with my friends and it was just forgettable. We thought the break would just be a week but it became a month then they decided to switch to online learning. It was stressful at first but as time went by, it became boring. I did not learn anything when it shifted to online learning and I was regretting enrolling because it was just a waste of money. I moved out of my dorm, which was a bittersweet moment because even though I always complained about going and staying there, it became a home to me for two years already. I realized that I have a lot of stuff that I own when I moved out because the car that we used for picking up my things was packed and I was grateful that my uncle is available at that moment. Aside from what I said for the second semester part, I cannot add some memories that stick out to be for it to be memorable.

    I already finished the first semester of my 3rd year but I do not want to add it to this blog post because I wanted it to be a full year instead of cutting it short. Being enrolled in FEU has been a life-changing moment that I did not expect to be worth my interest because of the lessons and experience that it gave to me. I hope that it would be possible for us to go back into regular classes wherein I can see my friends and professor personally because online classes have been hard for my academic and personal life.

    I will make sure that I will post in this blog for the new year (hopefully I will not forget this statement of mine that is just promising for new content).

Roiji, 20

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