First Half of My Summer Vacation

Vacation Started last March 2018, I am not sure when it started but anyways, I would like to say that the past 2 months has been so busy.


    The things that I remember in this month is that I went to PUP a lot of times. I went there for my recognition with my mom, get some of my credentials because I applied for CHED financial scholarship to help my parents to pay for my tuition fee, get my toga for my graduation. I remember being so frustrated when getting my credentials because I went there early (before 6;30 am) and thinking I was too early to fall in line but guess who was really surprised when he saw HOW LONG THE LINE IS FOR GETTING THE CREDENTIALS. I was thankful that I saw my friend (Kyla) already in the line so that I can go with her without going to the end of the line. I got my things before 2. April 30 is the day of our graduation and it was eventful. My mom and I went there early (the call time is 3 pm and we got there at 2) so we stayed at Starbucks which is near the venue for an hour then went to FilOil Arena which is the venue where we will graduate. My friends tease me because of my long sleeve. They said that I look like a priest but my mom told me that It's a perfect fit for me and I was really sad about my friends comment because the long sleeve that I was wearing is expensive but I did not really think much about it because it is supposed to be a happy day for me. The day went well I guess even though the plan to meet after the graduation with all of my classmates in one place did not happened because of how late it is and they are with their own parents so someone already went home so the plan was not a success but fortunately I gave my letter's to the two best friend that I spend my Senior High school at PUP and we hug each other too. After that My mom and I went to a restaurant called Alta by Relik which is located near the Starbucks that we went earlier. The place has a nice ambiance but they served expensive food which we think did not justified the price because of how mediocre the food is. I had my college entrance test for FEU and ADAMSON university taken this month too and I pass both of them. I am going to FEU for my college and will be taking up Accountancy as my degree.

Click HERE to read my blog post about my graduation day.


    This month has gone by so fast. I did many things this month too. My cousins who lived from Canada came here in the country for a month vacation. We spend time with each other hanging out, talking about things that we missed out because of how far they lived and it's already been 3 years since we last saw each other. I also enrolled to FEU this month and payed for it's downpayment. My cousins and I went to go hangout at a food park called Bodega Food Park and then the next day went to a club called Guilly's Night Club. I enjoyed being with them because they are my family. My dad went home from work after 8 months in this month too ( May27, Sunday). I GOT AN EMAIL FROM PUP SAYING THAT I CAN ENROLL THERE BUT sadly I will not be going there because of the courses left. I didnt want to take a course where I have no idea what will I do.


There are some things that I did do for the past 2 months but I do not want to put it here for privacy reasons but I hope you guys like this entry.  I have exactly 2 months and 10 days left before school starts (August 14 2018 is my first day ). I will continue posting in this blog and share my experience about my college life and transferring to another school.

                                                                                                                        Thank you for reading,
                                                                                                                                     Roiji, 18

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