18th Birthday Celebration


The month that I was born.
I am lucky to have these kind of people who celebrated with me for my 18th birthday.
I do not want to age because I am scared of growing up and doing things that isn't in my comfort zone but at the same time I kind of want to experience things that I am not comfortable doing just to have the experience of it.

So for this blog post, I will be showing you pictures that was taken from my birthday celebration.

1st Celebration is when my PUP SHS friends suprised me when we were at LYC to have our class picture. I have no idea that they will do that because it was not my birthday yet but we have plans after our class picture. I treated them at Zark's Sm Sta. Mesa branch and that was our final day with all ABM 12-17 is present for the class picture. They gave me a cake, gifts that I am grateful for. I had a great time with them.

2nd Celebration is with my SJCNI best friends. I messaged them on messenger that I will be treating them at Zark's Sm Fairview and we had a great time catching up with our life and we also went to play at Quantum (Arcade place).

I look like I am crying in this photo but not really hahahahhaha they bought me a cake from Red Ribbon and I was just surprised when one employee of Zark's brought out the cake and play Happy Birthday song. I thought that the cake is for the people who seated beside us but the employee put the cake on our table and my friends sang happy birthday song to me hahahhahaha I am thankful for that.
We stayed at Starbucks and ordered drinks and we also ate the cake. We continue talking about random things in life and I enjoyed that time because I said something that is big for me to them and grateful of their positive responses.

3rd and Last Celebration is with my family.
We have a simple celebration on our house. We bought Alcohol, Pizza , cook Liempo and have snacks. We play UNO cards and I forgot what is the name that we played using cards but it was fun. I think it is "Bente Uno". My Cousin will give us 2 cards and if the total of our cards did not total in 21, you will be the one to decided if you will "Lalaban pa" or will get a new card or not because if the total of your card exceed 21, it will go back to 1. ( Sorry I am not good in explaining things hehe). 

And that is all for this blog post. Thank you for reading. I am thankful I get to spend my birthday will all of this people who make my life happy.

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