18 // Part 1

Happy Birthday to me I guess?

I am writing this post ahead because I do not think i will have the time to sit and write here the day of my birthday and I want to have a birthday blog post so I am writing this right now (March 23 2018)

I honestly do not know how to start this post
but the only thing that I know for sure is that the year passes by quickly and I have mixed emotions going through my heart and my brain because of the things that happen when I was 17.

I experienced many things that make me go cry like a baby that did not get what he wanted and at the same time it made me feel like I am growing up and cannot stay the same as I was to improved and be a responsible,smart person (??) that I am today. I try to live my life to the fullest and enjoy things to make my life the best. I have a checklist on my RDNM NOTEBOOK of the list that I have done on months that will be a great way to remember some memories and I always try to keep my journal updated when there is a occasion or something that is worth writing and reading for. 

This past month has been hectic for me because we are finishing our final semester in our Senior High School life and there are many things that needed to be done for us to be able to graduate on April and the all through out the middle of March, we are busy with our school works and then when mostly are done, March 16 , the day when the PUPCET results was released, half of the class where heartbroken (myself included) because we did not passed the test or even some of my classmates/friends are heartbroken because even though they passed the test, sadly they did not meet the required score for BSA (bachelor of science in accountancy) and that is pretty big deal for us because we are in ABM strand for a reason. When I saw the chat of my classmate that the results are already out, I grabbed my smartphone real quick to check the result and ended up using my laptop because it takes to much time to scroll when using my phone so I decided to switch and then when I was looking for my friends name first because my surname is almost at the end and it was arranged alphabetically so I decided to look which of my friends passed the test and when I saw Armae surname I quickly opened my messenger then congratulate her because she passed the exam and then when she replied to me " CONGRATULATIONS PA RIN" I know that I did not pass the test but I replied to her that I didnt even see if I passed or not but quickly find my name and I was just looking at the screen and saw that there is 4 VILLALUZ but didnt have my name on it so yeah??????????
I cried because of that. I did all my best to review many things so that I can study at PUP for many years but that did not happen because I failed the PUPCET. Until now I am not really sure where I would study for college but I hope that even if i did not pass the test, I want to have the same classmates and friends that treat me like how my shs classmates treated me for 2 years because guess what? those years that I have been with them was the best. The 4 years that I spent  in my old school cannot beat those 2 years and I am soooo grateful and glad that I decided to transfers school and meet amazing people that make me grow like this.

I also failed the USTET which is kind of not a big deal to me because I did not really study that much for that exam but  surprisingly, I did meet the cut off score in SCIENCE and ENGLISH section of the test but I failed MATH (which is of course my weakest subject) and I am quite surprised that I failed the mental ability part because when I was taking the exam, In my mind i thought that it was very easy part because I know the answers and then when I saw the result, my mind went blank because I AM VERY SURPRISED, i think i brag to my classmates that it was the easiest part of the exam but guess who did not pass that part?? MEEE!!! but anyways, it was a great experience to take the USTET since I did had the plan to take their SHS EXAM when I was just a junior high school student but I am glad to say that studying in PUP is a great part of my life.

I did go to many places, try many new foods, do things that any 17 year old's would not do and I do not regret any of it, because why regret when you were the one who make your own decisions? AM I RIGHT?

I also went to club & bar for the first time at this age and it was a mind opening that I was not a party goer but more like sit, drink and talk of a person. OHHH and before I forgot, I did drink a lot of new alcohol at this age even though it was not legal to some countries ( AND EVEN HERE IN OUR COUNTRY). I experienced being drunk and vomiting the shit out of my stomach because I am an idiot for drinking 4 bottles of Smirnoff without eating anything besides chips and then I think I did have a shot or two of Red Label. It was not a great experience and I would not like to do that kind of thing again.

One of my biggest secret in my life, I already shared it to my close friends and it was great not caring and thinking about it when I am with them. 

I want to experience many things that will bring a spice into my life and see the purpose of my existence in order for me to continue living.

I am sorry if the things that is in this blog post is so random, I just want to make an entry that is devoted to me turning 18? lol

I guess that is pretty much it for this post since I do not have any idea what to put next and if there is anything that is in my mind, I will post here in this blog again.

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