Hey guys!

   We always had this type of thing every year in our family. It is a tradition now every new year we always had to have a get together or a reunion to have a bond with each other and talk about life. All of the guests brought foods because the plan was all of them must bring lunch ( not really? I think it was because my mom cannot cook many dishes so she said to them that if they can bring foods to have more food ).

We enjoyed this get together and had a lot of fun. After the guests leave, me and my cousins started to use the karaoke and sing songs and guess what I did sing too!! I normally not sing when i am with other people but the one who is listening to me was my cousins and i am okay to it.

So here's the pictures that was taken that day, January 14, 2018

                                                                                                                  Thank you for reading,
                                                                                                                               Roiji 17

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