6 Amazing Motivational Studying Quotes by Studyblr Community

for the past months,i've been a studyblr.This helps me with my studies and motivate me to do good at school,so first what is the meaning of studyblr?

What is Studyblr?

   - According to Urban Dictionary :
                       A studyblr is a blog category on Tumblr that's dedicated to the aesthetic of academic achievement, where tips and advices are shared. The people who own these types of blogs have the intent of helping other people with their study routine and of giving motivation to others and inspiration.

When i scroll through my tumblr you can see either study table pictures/supplies haul/notebooks/studying with coffee and Motivational Studying Quotes. 

 So i decided that im going to post 6  Motivational Studying Quotes here in my blog. I hope these motivanal quotes will motivate you to study and do good at school and i hope you guys like this blog post,sorry for not updating every week because im too lazy to open my laptop and my brother always use it for his gaming purposes.

 Here are the quotes;

"As long as you are trying, you are not failing."-attackonstudying

friendly reminder that “your grades don’t define you“ doesn’t mean that slacking off in school is fine, it means that you should be proud of what you HAVE achieved and not get too hung up over a bad grade every now and again.

You are an amazing, intelligent, and outstanding human being, don’t let your grades define you. Don’t let your gpa define you. Don’t let boys define you. Don’t let your weight define you. You define yourself. -smartgirls-shinypearls

Let us study things that are no more. It is necessary to understand them, if only to avoid them.
      —  Victor Hugo
The new year stands before us,like a chapter in a book,waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals.
    —  Melody Beattie
Do the thing you think you cannot do.
—  Eleanor Roosevelt
join the studyblr community , its free and it can help a lot trust me.
 Checkout my tumblr blog by clicking HERE 
 Thank you for reading ,

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