Orange Smoothie

disclaimer : I use *ORANGE* because i cant think of a name for this smoothie,and i didnt use orange here so yeah 


My Mom and I decided to buy some fruits yesterday so that i can make a smoothie.She was happy that when i said that im going to buy fruits because i eat fruits rarely.

So lets start.


(you can replace the milk with almond milk or soy milk if youre vegan )

You need blender to blend all of the ingredients (LOL)

 I only use the half of the banana because why not lol 

Put the half banana in the blender
Put the Mango and the Cantaloupe,then  blend until you get the consistency that you want

Put in a glass or a mason jar/jar and add a straw if you want.

That's it.
If you want this smoothie to be vegan you can just replace the milk with almond milk or soy milk (im not sure that the soy milk is vegan but it comes to soy bean right?? lolool ).

Thank you for reading.

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