Disclaimer; this post is on my other blog that I shared with my friend because it was a requirement for one of our subject to have blog posts every week but I want to put the blog post that I created here because I think I will be using this more compared to that blog. But if you want to see our blog click here

Hi ! So in this blog post I will share the things that i think people really don't know about myself. If  you know about me personally you will know that I can be secretive person when I don't want to share about the things that i don't want people to know but there are some parts of my life that I shared with other people that i am closed with. If my friends read this post, I think some of the things that I put here they will either know it or be shocked or learn a new thing about me. So if your are a reader that do not know me personally, the things that I put here can be a way for you to get to know about me. So i will stop here with the introduction and get started with the topic.

1.) I love to listen to Podcasts at morning when i am on my way to school.

    I always make sure to download 1 or 2 podcasts episode so that if i am bored with listening to music, I will listen to some podcast. These 3 are my favorite Podcast Channel right now ;

* Simon and Martina / Eat Your Kim-chi
 * College Info Podcast
      I highly recommend this podcast for students because Thomas Frank gives advice that can be useful for them.

* Ted Talks / Daily / Radio Hour

2.) I don't talk to strangers if i am not with my friends

        I think some of my friends know this trait of me that if i am with them, I can talk to some stranger easily but if im alone, I will have a hard time talking to them. Example of this is when I was a Grade 11 student. I have a hard time making friends with my classmates because i didn't talk to them and was always playing or listening to some music with my earphones and they always tell me that i always have it in my ears that's why they think im a quiet person which is quiet ironic right now because in our class room , my voice sometimes stands out because when im talking, i sometimes cannot control the volume of it so that's why i think that it is ironic.

3.) I love sweets
        I have a sweet tooth that's why my mom always telling me to control it because both sides of my family has a history of having diabetes (all of my mother's siblings including herself and my grandmother from my dad's side have diabetes).

4.) I would like to go to Japan !!!!!

       As you can see from our old blog posts, there are things about anime. I love anime and it is created in japan. I would like to go to some places where some anime takes place and take a picture/selfie there. I want to experience there culture and eat some local ramen and try new things there. I have a plan when Im done with school and working, I will save money to have a month or two vacation there with myself or if I can afford it, I will bring my family there too.

5.) I want to learn more about myself and our world

      I want to learn more about many things that intrigue my brain and not just what we learn in school rather than learning through experiences or even knowing some people experiences about things that i want to know.

6.) I can listen to many genres of music + I LOVE MUSIC

       Thanks to Spotify, I can listen to many genres of music without investing too much time on searching and downloading songs ( PS this is not sponsored by Spotify LOL ). I have a lot of playlists in my account that has many genres of music. I can't call it a day without listening to some music. I listen to JPOP, KPOP, Rock, Alternative , Indie, POP, R&B and currently i am loving some soft instrumental musics because it is so relaxing when you are listening to it and i have a playlist that is called "Piano in the background" and " Lounge- Soft House" that I play when i need to focus on studying.

7.) I can't function well when I forgot something

       The thing that I hate or always on my mind whenever I leave our house is that "Is there something that I forgot to bring?". I hate it because it will be on my mind all the time and my mood will suddenly go down so I tend to think first or even type the things that i might forgot on my phone.

8.) I always have a hard time getting up in the morning when going to school

     I always travel earlier than most of my classmates because my house is far from our school and I don't like to be stuck on traffic. My first class is always 7;30 am and I set my alarm clock at 3;30 but always leave my bed before 4 and I need to be at the FX before 5 so that i can get my favorite seat there and travel comfortably and even sleep there. I really don't get 8 hours of sleep if its a school day the next day because I need to sleep at 7pm. So that's why i always have a hard time getting up that sometimes it cause me to be late for our first subject and even experience 3 hours of travel because of traffic.

9.) I always create scenarios in my mind that I know is impossible to happen

     I think all of us does this right? I imagine myself having a lot's of money and spending it on things that I like, I imagine myself to be the smartest person in our classroom and how I can be a valedictorian of our batch. There are things that i would want to happen in real life but knowing the reality, almost all of the things that i want is impossible to occur.

10.) I have a low self-esteem

    Currently I am trying to have a high confidence but in the back of my mind, I always think about what would happen next if I try this new thing or am I allowed to do this etc. I always doubt myself that I am no good, im not the best at anything, I don't have any talents but right now I can say that I am trying my best to have a confidence that is needed for me to survive this world full of judge mental people.


11.) I Enjoy having a me / alone time with myself

     I can reflect the thing's that i did and try to understand and be happy without depending it to other persons because in the end like I always read at twitter, we are going to survive with our own strength and if you want to be STRONG learn to enjoy being alone. You can discover many things and learn about what you like and not in your life.

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