Things To Do When Your Bored At School

This blog post was written last SEPTEMBER 30 2015

Hello There! im writing this blog post at school so im being honest or truth here lol,and right now it is our break time and im done eating so i have nothing to do,so i decided to write a blog about it lolol.So here's some tips,advice that you can do when your bored at school.

Read A Book
    Find your genre,whether it is a book about comedy,horror,mystery,sci-fi,young adult,fiction,non fiction book.There are endless of book that might caught your eye.Because when im bored or have nothing to do i read and read or if i dont want anyone to talk to me i will read a book.

   When i dont have my book,i will study so that i have something to do or will look like im doing something.


     Lol this tip is very bad when you get caught but make sure when you try to sleep,your done with everything that you need to do ( example your done copying the notes) and the teacher didnt say what you will do if your done with the task,that's the time to sleep! If you are really sleep,make sure you will not get caught sleeping because you might get detention or for me my name will be on kra (its like a paper for violations),or sleep when your teacher is like kind lol sometimes i take advantage of it but im not doing it every day but sometimes i will sleep on her subject the entire time.

Imagine things

     Okay so sometimes if im not allowed to read or to sleep,i will imagine the things that is impossible to happen.Nobody can hurt or it cant hurt you if you imagine (maybe it can hurt when you imagine that you can marry your idol or favorite actor or something like that ).You can think/imagine things that impossible to happen on reality but in your mind/brain it is possible,do you get it ? :)

That's it for this blog post.
Hope you learn something from me. 

Thank you for reading,
  - Roiji 
sorry for the picture quality i only use the webcam of this laptop.

So my mom bought me new shirts wow im happy hahahahah.

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