2 Healthy Smoothie's

So I decided to make two healthy smoothie's for me and for my mom.And i think why make it another blog post about smoothie's?. so here's the ingredients for the first smoothie

Cut your Cucumber,Banana and Apple (make sure you throw away the seeds of the apple ) 

Throw the ingredients in a blender (with the milk ofcourse but i blend it first without the milk so that i know the fruits is well blended.

and then put your smoothie in a glass or mason jar and if you want you can add straw to make it fancier (is that even a word???)

and your finish with you cucumber apple smoothie

And for the second smoothie,
The smoothie name is inspired by my favorite restaurant "Banapple",they sell delicious cheescakes too which i loved (the blueberry cheescake is the best ),so this is the ingredients,

1.Slice the apple and banana
2.Throw it in the blender with the milk
3.Put it in a glass or mason jar and add straw if you want.

So here's some bts (behind the scenes)

This picture represents how stupid/idiot i am.I tried to blend the fruits(without the milk) without the blender's cover 

thank you for reading this blog post.

-Roiji Villaluz 

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